An ode to electric vehicles


EV prose to add a breath of fresh air to your day.

By Tim Benford: President of Drive Electric Dayton, Past Vice-President of Electric Association


Our Earth’s on fire, and hurricanes get worse,

The seas are rising, is it just a curse?

No, Science says it’s Man who’s run amok,

With years of burning oil in car n’ truck,

Today exhausts pollute our atmosphere,

Man’s war on Nature is the cause, I fear.

Auto emissions blanketing the Earth,

Another hottest year—no cause for mirth.

A healthy future for the human race

Is within reach, if changes we can face.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are one key,

A big improvement—they’re emission-free.

Prices shrink as battery costs decline,

Parity with gas cars more in line.

Range anxiety is no more a thing,

Three hundred now is standard range, we sing,

Skateboard batteries, lasting eight plus years,

Drive electric motors with single gears,

EVs are simpler, rarely need repair,

Far fewer parts subject to wear and tear,

No oil to change nor noxious fumes to breathe,

And charging at your home is just a breeze,

A tailpipe / smokestack swap would sure be vile,

But now the grid gets cleaner all the while.

Add solar to your roof and drive for free,

Electrons from the sun cost nought, you see,

And on a trip, no worries where to charge,

Your EV knows where sources are at large.

And while you stop for lunch to top it up,

You get a break, some food and drink to sup.

Enjoy instant torque as you hit the road,

From nought to sixty in that Lud’crous mode. 

And regen braking spares your disc rotor,

Reloading electrons via the motor.

Autonomy reduces driving strain

In highway nose to tail and pouring rain. 

So, EV sales are growing as I write,

And folks research, test drive, and see the light: 

The link twixt climate change and their tailpipe,

A problem that an EV buy would wipe. 

So welcome to the EV Age now here,

More EVs for sale each and every year.

Some countries ban ICE cars in this decade,

Will only make slow OEMs* seem staid,

But most have promised EVs soon—

We hope that sales teams see them as a boon.

Battery firms are ramping up their lines,

And nickel vendors are expanding mines.

Utilities will thrive on EV growth,

More chargers sell more juice, thus helping both. 

Oil & gas see the writing on the wall:

Switch to renew’bles or you’ll take a fall. 

Lease comp’nies like an EVs’ bottom line,

Post-lease residuals are quite sublime.

Pro-EV non-profits support the cause,

Their EV volunteers request encores!

And EV owners love to Ride & Drive,

Sharing the thrill to keep adoption live. 

Our councils prep our cities for EVs,

With their fast public chargers free of fees.

State lawmakers should write supportive laws

For EV adoption—a worthy cause—

And curb desires to add an EV tax.

Add sales incentives, then we can relax,

ICE** owners will be sure to see the light

And buy a BEV*** to join the climate fight!

* OEM = Other Equipment Manufacturer (i.e., legacy automakers) 

** ICE =  Internal Combustion Engine vehicle

*** BEV = Battery Electric Vehicle